"DESCRIPTION 1"="If you are tired of the boring brown My Briefcase function, why not spice it up with a snazzy metal icon instead?"
"DESCRIPTION 2"="When you have made changes, refresh the icon cache so that you can enjoy your new aluminium briefcase."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Note: The metal briefcase icon only has one format: 32x32 pixels at 16 colors. The standard icon supports 16x16, 32x32 and 48x48 pixels at 16 and 256 colors."
"COMMENT 1"="My Briefcase? More like Why Briefcase!"
"AUTHOR"="Neil R. Turner (totalxs@hotmail.com for Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
Call MsgError("X-Setup could not find the My Briefcase DLL in Windows System folder. This may be because you do not have My Briefcase installed, or you/a program has removed it.")
s=RegReadValue(BASE + "\@")
if IsEmpty(s)=true then
Call MsgError("X-Setup could not find My Briefcase in your computer's Registry. This may be because you do not have My Briefcase installed, or you/a program has removed it.")
Call MsgError("X-Setup was unable to restore the icon to its original state. This may be because the icon is already at its original state, or the backup of the original icon has been deleted.")